Ben and the boys came down on Saturday and let me tell you we had some FUN!! Ben surprised us by bringing his 4 wheeler along. Of course it had to immediately be put to good use. First, Ben took Luke and Will for a ride and to everyone's surprise they came back soaking wet, covered in mud. Garrett and Chad couldn't let Luke and Will have all of the fun so they went next. By the time lunch was ready we had some very dirty boys.

Then after lunch, the boys went out to be gophers, I started working on Miss Ruthie Hope's crib (more on that later), and Andy and Ben went out to play in the pasture.

You can see Ben is RIDING the oil rig (photo editing done by Ben Garner). Not really. It never turned on while they were on it, but they did have some fun climbing it. Unfortunately I don't have any pics of Andy up there, but you can bet he was in on the fun too. In fact I don't have a single pic of Andy from Saturday, he's usually the one behind the camera. I really do need to get better at taking some of the pics too.

Here's Ben riding through the mud (photo editing done by Ben Garner).
Finally when I could take it no longer, I wondered out to the pasture to see if I could have a ride. After convincing Andy we would take good care of my belly and Andy threatening mine and Ben's very existence if we bumped little Miss Ruthie around, we were off.

Note: Ben was VERY careful to not bump me around and never even got out of 1st gear while we were in the pasture. It was a very SLOW ride, but fun none the less.
And, just when I thought we were heading back, Ben said he had one more thing to show me...

Yes, that is me getting soaked. If you look real hard you can see Ben leaning forward just to make sure I got nice and wet. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. There's just something really exhilarating about getting filthy dirty. Then on the way back up to the house I asked Ben if we could maybe go a little faster on the SMOOTH road. Finally, we were out of 1st and now freezing our tails off. When we got back, Andy got a fire started and I made some hot coffee.

Ok, ok, so that's not really Andy's fire. That is a pic from Bonfire from this past year.
Then the three of us sat around the fire watching the gophers go to town. Man those boys never cease to amaze me with their digging skills. This time Chad dug to China and actually hit the water level. Anyone need a well dug? It was really cool watching water seep into the hole and the boys had a really good time climbing in and out. Ben took some pics of the boys in their 'hole'. Can't wait to see them. Ben then took some pics to document my big belly. My hair was still half wet and I had mud on my face and was in some very grungy clothes. Needless to say, Ben had his work cut out for him editing these.

I thought he did a good job getting the mud off my face and LOVE the fact I have some prego pics now. I really liked the one with Scarlett looking at my belly. It makes me wonder if she really knows what's inside????
Later we had a really good supper and Ben introduced us to his Brown Sugar Sauteed Onions.......Mmmmmm, they were SO good. Andy may have to just get used to the onion breath because I can't wait to try and make some more. Then sadly, our wonderful day was over and they had to head back home. Looking forward to the next visit!!