Monday, March 05, 2007

1st Aggie Baseball Game

The Aggies beat the defending national champions Friday night and we got to watch it. Live and in person. O.K., we only lasted until the 7th inning stretch but the game was already in the bag. It was cold and I told Amanda we couldn't take a blanket (bad idea!) so we were freezing and Garrett was ready for bed. Not to mention, Luke had loaded his diaper up and we didn't want the people around us to tell us to leave so...

It was a great game. We sat in the cheap seats out in right field so the boys could play. Had a couple of fouls go right over our head, students all around us harassing the first base coach and the right fielder. Hot dogs, a tub of popcorn and a great big Dr. Pepper cost $6 more than our tickets but there's nothing like a fresh hot dog at a baseball game. Luke took the whole night to eat his hot dog. Could've had something to do with the fact that he was bumming peanuts off the guy behind us. Who knows. Garrett just sat in our laps and watched the entire game. Yes, Garrett. High energy never slows down Garrett. Sat still. Sat quiet. Luke on the other hand mimicked everything everyone around us did. Hollering, taunting, whooping! We're definitely going to have to take them to more games! Amanda even enjoyed it. Of course it was kind of hard for her not too, she was out with 3 handsome Garners watching her alma matter BTHO Oregon State! Whoop and Gig 'em!